Mirror Maze and Labyrinth of Fear

Nevsky pr., 3
Theme clusters
10:00 – 23:00

Two interactive museum-quests from the world famous company Big Funny.

The Mirror Maze invites adults and children of any age to make a fascinating journey into the world of new emotions, inverted music, the play of light and color. Find the ghost "Pikabolo" and try to find a way out ...

The labyrinth of fear is addressed to adults and children from 12 years old - to all those who want to tickle their nerves and feel like a character in a horror movie. It's very scary, but also fun!

Рускеала, Валаам, Кижи, Петрозаводск, Сортавала, Великий Новгород, Псков, Пушкинские Горы
Туры и круизы для всей семьи по Карелии и Северо-Западу