Yoki asian food & sushi

Zhukovskogo st., 28
12:00 – 23:00
Average bill
700 rubles
8 (812) 922-30-66

A bar with an interior in a ubranistic style on Zhukovsky street. The menu includes Asian classics: spring rolls, sushi, woks, ramen and tom yum. At the head of the table are rolls: five specialized non-trivial positions are presented in the profile section. The bar card consists mainly of beer and cider: from Russian stouts to Hawaiian ales and lagers.

Popular positions:

  • Vegetable spring roll - 250 rubles.
  • Roll with salmon and mango sauce - 440 rubles.
  • Mochi with blueberries and strawberries - 250 rubles.
  • Cider "Elk and Cedar V" 6.0, coconut (Russia) - 310 rubles.
  • Mort Subite (Belgium), apricot lambic (0.5 L) - 330 rubles.
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