Famous building

Yamskoy market

Str. Marata, 53
Famous buildings
Years of foundation
V.P. Stasov

The building stands at the crossroads between the streets of Marata, Razyezhe, and Borovaya. Here in the XVIII century, Yamskaya Sloboda was located, and in the 1790s a market was opened, called Yamsky. There were about forty shops selling meat, salt, flour and other products.

The new building of the market was erected in 1817-1819 according to the project of the famous architect Vasily Stasov. The building is triangular in plan, the usual arcades for trading rows are replaced by Doric columns.

The market consisted of 28 shops, mainly, selling meat, so the townspeople sometimes called the market Meat. Probably, it was here in the late 1870s that the family of F.M. Dostoevsky, who lived in a house nearby, at the corner of Kuznechny Pereulok and Yamskaya Street (now Dostoevsky Street), was making purchases.

In the 1960s, a commissioned furniture store was opened in the Yamskoye building. Now here is the shopping center «Yamskaya».

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