Famous building

University of Technology and Design (SPbGUTD)

Bolshaya Morskaya st., 18
Famous buildings

The university was established in accordance with the order of the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR of April 26, 1930 as the Leningrad Textile Institute. In 1992, it was transformed into St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design (SPSUTD).

The University is a multidisciplinary educational complex, which consists of 2 higher schools, 18 institutes and 2 colleges that train specialists in 225 educational programs of design, engineering, humanitarian, economic and pedagogical directions.

A multi-level system of education, a variety of educational programs, specialties and specializations provide a wide profile of specialist training at the university.

Along with this, serious attention is paid to the creative and athletic implementation of students: the Admiralty Needle International Competition for Young Designers and the Breath of Spring All-Russian Competition for Designers are held annually.

The university complex consists of eight large educational buildings, most of which are located in the historical center of the city, four buildings of student dormitories and six suburban facilities.

The history of the main building of the university is interesting. It occupies a quarter between Bolshaya Morskaya Street, Brick Lane and the Moika River Embankment. In the XVIII century, here, on the river bank, there was a pier, where barges with brick were unloaded (hence the name of the alley). And on the left side of the Big Sea in the time of Peter the Great was the Sea Market - meat and fish rows.

In the late 1730s, stone baths were erected on the site of the future university building, and in the 1740s a one-story house with a basement of 12 windows overlooking the Bolshaya Morskaya. It was one of the largest houses on the street. One hundred years later, it was rebuilt into a five-story building.

In 1915, construction of a house for the Russian Bank began at this place. According to the original project, it was supposed to be a modernist house with marble and granite cladding. But the 1917 revolution stopped construction. The unfinished house was empty until the 1920s, until in 1929 it was transferred to the Textile Institute.

In 1929-1931, the building was completed for the institute according to the project of architects L.V. Rudnev and Ya.O. Svirsky, and it acquired its current architectural appearance.

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