

University emb., 7-9, Twelve Collegium Building

St. Petersburg State University was founded in 1724 by decree of Peter I; it is the first university in the country to become one of the leading classical universities in Russia.

The center of the university is the building of the Twelve Colleges, which on the instructions of Peter I in 1722 was designed by the architect Domenico Trezzini. The total length of the building is 400 meters, and its through passage is considered the longest in St. Petersburg. The house is facing the Neva, since it was originally assumed that the facade would be facing the main square - Kollezhskaya, which was planned to be located on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

The original interior decoration of the building today is preserved only in the Petrovsky Hall - here you can see a sculpture, a ceiling and picturesque inserts in the upper part of the walls, two corner fireplaces with sculptural decoration, preserved from the XVIII century. The building is included in the Unified State Register of Monuments of History and Culture of Russia.

Such great names as D.I. Mendeleev, L.V. Kantorovich, L.D. Landau, P.A. Stolypin, A.S. Popov and others are related to SPbSU. The first Nobel laureate from Russia was precisely the graduate of St. Petersburg State University I.P. Pavlov. Since then, the university continues the tradition of upscale education, being a forge of the country's intellectual elite.

Science at the university has been actively developed throughout the history of St. Petersburg State University. It is here, at a meeting of the Physical Committee of the Russian Physical-Chemical Society A.S. Popov made a presentation on achievements in radiocommunication research, presenting his discovery to the world. The future Nobel Prize winner I.P.Pavlov and D.I. Mendeleev, who made a phenomenal breakthrough for the development of chemistry worked at the university.

A modern scientific infrastructure has been created at St. Petersburg University, where leading scientists are implementing large interdisciplinary research projects aimed at solving the most pressing issues that exist in society. A key component of this infrastructure is the latest science park equipment; Some of the work tools are presented in Russia in a single copy.

The university’s publishing activity begins almost from the day it was founded - 1724. Today, SPbU journals are included in the list of peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, most of them are in the list of the best Russian journals RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) on the Web of Science platform, and a number of journals are in the international Scopus database.

Today St. Petersburg State University is an active publishing activity almost from the day the university was founded; about 400 educational programs; open space for scientists in 25 resource centers of the University Science Park. More than 30 thousand students from around the world and various regions of Russia are studying at St. Petersburg State University; More than 12 thousand people have chosen the University as their place of work.