Troitsky bridge

Millionnaya st., 25
08:30 – 22:30
Average bill
300 rub
+7 (981) 884 9757

Vegetarian cafe, where you can come for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and you can drop by to try vegetarian desserts over a cup of coffee. Here you will find a large assortment of delicious and healthy recipes from different nations of the world, from European to Pan-Asian. There are also “vegan” dishes that strictly correspond to this ideology, and raw food dishes.

The specialty of the restaurant is a separate coffee house with a modern interior and various varieties of freshly roasted coffee. A huge amount of homemade pastries from their own bakery will amaze you.

Breakfast costs from 149 rubles. All hot dishes - fixed prices: 175 rubles / 200 g.

Popular dishes:

  • Tofu in Teriyaki Sauce
  • Falafel with sauce
  • Fettuccine with mushrooms
  • Lasagna with mushrooms
  • Manty with pumpkin