Nameless Island

Nekrasova st., 25
16:00 – 02:00
Average bill
700 rubles
+7 (911) 117-23-08

At the origins of the project is the businessman Andrei Geller, who is the author of the geographical name of the bar and the direct managing partner of the institution. Andrey set himself the goal: to be the first in Russia to get into the international Fish & Chips Federation. Stanislav Fedulin (Kontora restaurant, Pedro & Gomez, pastry and wineglass "At Larisa") and chef Aleksey Shantukov, who is better known in Kamchatka, are responsible for the kitchen. Rinat Umyarov is responsible for the overall conceptual direction and communication.

The cuisine is traditional English, with a focus on the season and Fish & Chips, which you can take with you without going inside through a special issuing window. Also on the menu: English breakfast, shepherd’s pie, Scottish eggs, chowder, fries with Yorkshire pudding and even flounder!

The beer line is represented mainly by British varieties. Familiar English ales from the Fullers, Tyxton and Marstons breweries, rare varieties for lovers of the old school, craft beer for those who are on a new wave. In addition to beer in the bar card - draft cocktails and wine (on taps). This delivery reduces customer service time and does not affect the quality of drinks. Cocktails in the pub are prepared on their own, and Real Authentic Wine delivers wine to the tap. Wine from the tap can be taken in different volumes: 125 or 175 ml.

Note that the wine on the “Island” is poured not only from the tap: there is sparkling, white and red by the glass, as well as bottle positions. The wine list is small, but relevant and varied.

Popular positions:

  • Salad with beets and feta cheese: 320 rub.
  • BBQ pork ribs: 550 rub.
  • Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding: 350 rub.
  • Shepherd's pie with lamb: 370 rub.
  • Cheese croquettes with lemon aioli: 220 rub.
Романтический ужин на воде с изысканным меню и живой музыкой
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