Tom Sawyer

Sadovaya st., 91
Coffee and tea
11:00 – 18:00
Average bill
300 rubles

A specialty coffee corner and, in combination, a creative space in the Flower family shop (a shop of fresh flowers and non-trivial gifts).

The Tom Sawyer coffee house offers all popular types of coffee, over 20 types of tea, juices, lemonade, milkshakes and fresh pastries. Coffee can be drunk on site or taken with you. And here you can read books, play board games. draw (for this, the coffee shop has a whole slate wall).

The coffee shop is adapted for children: we have a place to put the stroller, and while you are chatting with the barista, choosing coffee, the little one can occupy himself with coloring. You can come here with small animals, bicycles, scooters, longboards, etc.

The concept of the café is little more than just quality coffee and carefully selected desserts from local chefs. The purpose of this space is to cultivate the development of local communities, to be a place where you can not only cheer up and have a snack, but also discuss current topics, learn about interesting things happening nearby, find partners or a new idea for a project.

A coffee shop can become a platform for creative self-expression of photographers, artists, musicians, coaches and simply interesting people who have something to say and show to the city and the world.

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