Creative space

Temple of Deer

Komsomola st., 1
Creative spaces
В соответствии с расписанием событий

The Temple of Deer is a creative quarter on the historical territory of the Vyborg Arsenal along the Neva embankment. According to the creators, the international group Placebo / 25, on an area of more than 15 thousand square meters there will be a concert venue, a food market with a restaurant street, a festival area, exhibition halls and other public, creative and event spaces.

The project is planned to be carried out in two stages. In the near future, a concert complex will open, as well as the LOFT HALL event space, a nightclub and a photo studio. The first event in the renovated Arsenal will take place on April 2, and the official opening of the space is scheduled for the end of May.

As a result, a multimedia concert complex for 5 thousand people, a large food market for 70 concepts, a street of restaurants and bars, exhibition spaces, photo studios, halls for events, a barbershop, coworking, Indonesian wellness will appear in the production hall, buildings of former workshops and the courtyard of the former plant. 

The plan of the creative quarter also provides access to the Neva - to the pier on Arsenalnaya embankment, guests of the Temple of Deer space will be able to arrive by water.

The company explains the origin of the name Temple of Deer by its traditions. The image of a deer head is one of the central motives of the aesthetics of all Placebo / 25 projects: the deer symbolizes beauty, self-sufficiency and nobility, investors say.

The complex of buildings of the Vyborg Arsenal in a brick style with characteristic semicircular windows was built in 1844-1849 specifically to transfer Liteiny Dvor there from Liteiny Prospekt. The project of the new Arsenal was created by the architect Alexander Gemilian - the author of the Myasnikov mansion on Vosstaniya Street, the grain barns of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on the Obvodny Canal and more than a dozen private and industrial buildings. The interior decoration was carried out by Alexander Ton, one of the three brothers of the Ton, court architects of Nicholas I - the Arsenal was the favorite brainchild of the emperor.

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