Famous building

Salt town

Quarter between the embankment of Fontanka, Salt lane, streets Pestel and Gangut
Famous buildings

In the time of Peter the Great, there was a wooden Particular shipyard in the place of the Salt town. In 1782, in its place the building along the Fontanka was built, where warehouses of wine and salt were located. After the abolition of the state monopoly on salt, the need for warehouses disappeared, and in 1870 the All-Russian Industrial Exhibition was opened here. The building was decorated with a sculptural group, symbolizing Peace, Science, Industry, and Trade.

Today the quarter includes the Panteleymonovo church, the Academy of A.L. Stieglitz, also known as the Mukhina School, the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and the Museum of Defense and the Siege of Leningrad. (links to museum pages)

Every year the Salt Town becomes a festival zone. On the 20th of May, the City of Masters is opened here, where the teachers and students of the Academy A.L. Stieglitz tells secrets of design, monumental and applied art to everyone.

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