Solnce (sun)

Dobrolyubova pr., 7
12:00 – 23:00
European, Scandinavian
+7 (921)910-95-05

European restaurant "Sun" offers a new concept. Chef Denis Nazarov, working with Michelin-level stars and premium brands, offered his perusal of northern cuisine, which made up the menu. Karelian, Finnish, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian cuisines served as the basis for the free imagination of the chef. His philosophy is to combine styles: a lot is seen from the outside, in order to better understand and see Norway, you need to look at it from the East. In the dishes, local ingredients are combined with rare refined European ones. A number of components of the dish is extracted by the restaurant expedition. Presentation is a form of play with a guest.

Popular dishes:

  • EASTERN BALTIC SALMON - 370 rubles.
  • SPRUCE CHEESE - 210 rubles.
  • LADOGA FISH SOUP - 400 rubles.
  • NORWEGIAN COD - 550 rubles.
  • VEAL CHEEKS - 550 rubles.
  • DESSERT "NUGGET" - 250 rubles.
Романтический ужин на воде с изысканным меню и живой музыкой
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