Famous building

Own His Imperial Majesty's Cottage

Krestovka River emb., 7
Famous buildings
Years of foundation
1810, 1825–1826
G.P. Pilnikov, K.I. Rossi, L.I. Charlemagne

Own His Imperial Majesty's cottage on Stone Island - a monument of wooden architecture of the period of Classicism.

Since 1809, this section on the embankment of the Krestovka River belonged to college assessor I. Gepner. For him, the architect G.P. Pilnikov built a small one-story house by 1811. In 1817, the cottage was sold to the stalmaster of the courtyard G.I. Opochinin, and since 1820 it was rented by the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich.

The summer house was badly damaged during the flood of 1824. Its restoration in 1825-1826 was led by the architect Karl Rossi, and Peter Buk was engaged in the general planning of the site and the layout of the garden. After that, Tsar Nikolai I became the owner of the summer residence. Already with him, the summer house was once again reconstructed according to the project of architect L.I. Charlemagne, updating the interiors.

In the 1830s, in the neighborhood, on Krestovka embankment, 11, Charlemagne erected another cottage, which was called New or Ministerial (the ministers of the imperial court spent the summer here).

In Soviet times, in the houses on Krestovka River emb, 7 and 11 was the Rest House named afterm C.M. Kirov. At the beginning of the XXI century, the cottage fell into decay and was almost destroyed. By 2013, it was restored.

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