Sweet Museum

Nevsky pr., 15
Theme clusters
10:00 – 22:00
Entrance fee
350 rub., children under 5 years old - free

“Sweet Museum” is a space of fantasies, treats and design for sweet teeth. The creators of the museum strive to wake up children's emotions, realizing the dreams of each of us, when we were little. Visitors are awaited by huge paintings of candy and chewing gum, magic refrigerators with an endless supply of ice cream, clouds of cotton candy, candy rains and much more.

In the museum you can sit on giant donuts with multicolored glaze, ride a waffle swing, stroke a creamy cow and ride a pink unicorn, see flying bananas, hang in huge marshmallows, look at the world through pink glasses and, of course, make the sweetest photos.

Tickets can be bought online at the museum site.

Рускеала, Валаам, Кижи, Петрозаводск, Сортавала, Великий Новгород, Псков, Пушкинские Горы
Туры и круизы для всей семьи по Карелии и Северо-Западу