Sixty Four

Moika River emb., 64
12:00 – 23:00
Average bill
2100 rub

Restaurant of modern Russian cuisine in the very center of the city. The authors of the project tried to preserve the previous appearance of the building and preserve the historical brickwork; and for authenticity, the surface of the mirrors was aged.

The menu contains a new interpretation of the usual Russian dishes: for starters - traditional gates and pies, as a hot dish - sturgeon and Pozhanskaya veal cutlet. Soups include okroshka with veal on oat kvass, sour cabbage soup with tongue and mustard. The bar list has a large selection of signature cocktails; homemade liqueurs with vodka, vermouth and bourbon; an impressive range of wines from different regions.

Popular positions:

  • Riyette of duck with cherry in port - 440 rubles.
  • Scallops with raspberries and baked apple puree - 620 rubles.
  • Rapana ragout with baked camaber - 720 rubles.
  • Pozharskaya veal cutlet with porcini mushroom sauce - 590 rubles.
  • Thursday ear with a wicket - 520 rubles.
  • Lingonberry juice (280 ml / 1 l) - 250/790 rubles.
  • Yesenin's Times cocktail - 390 rubles.
Романтический ужин на воде с изысканным меню и живой музыкой
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