Famous building

Russian Commercial and Industrial Bank

Bolshaya Morskaya st., 15
Famous buildings
Years of foundation
M.M. Peretyatkovich

The majestic neo-Renaissance building was built in 1912-1914 according to the project of architect M.M. Peretyatkovich specifically for the bank. On a rusticated three-story basement, an eight-columned portico rises, combining two floors and ends with an attic.

The building is completely finished with gray granite, castle stones in the windows of the third floor are decorated with masks from the same granite. The fourth and fifth floors are united by massive round columns, on the fourth floor - a stone balustrade. The carved frieze is decorated with mascarons in the form of male profiles and ram's heads, as well as cartouches and armor. A variety of textures of processing and relief of stone decor creates an original play of light and shadow. All sculptural elements of the bank building - sculptors L.A. Dietrich and V.V. Kozlova.

The interiors of the building are interesting. The lobby, staircase and operating room of the bank amaze with an abundance of polished stone. In the interior you can see rare marbles: black with golden veins Italian portor, green and red Levantine marbles. The operating room is decorated with two rows of powerful columns of the ionic order. The painting of the ceiling of the operating room was performed by artists M.M. Adamovich and W.A. Bodaninsky.

Today, the renovated building houses the Senator business center.

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