

Maluy pr. P.S., 16
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
12:00 – 00:00
Friday, Saturday
12:00 – 02:00
12:00 – 01:00
+7 (812) 644-59-06

"Rakovaya on Petrogradka" - the first place in St. Petersburg of the Moscow network of pubs - gastrobars "Rakovaya". The owner and author of the institution concept is Moscow restaurateur and writer Yevgeny Nichipuruk.

As in Moscow, the emphasis in the kitchen is made on the preparation of crayfish, because it is an exquisite and favorite beer delicacy. The menu includes seventeen types of crayfish dishes, as well as five types of Black Sea mussels, red mullet, Kamchatka crab and much more.

There are about 30 sorts of draft beer in the bar list, including domestic craft varieties. A glass of 0.3 l beer costs from 250 to 360 rubles.

The interior is distinguished by its laconic design and bright colors: rough furniture made of oak, metal and leather and branded, well-known to visitors of the Moscow “Rakovaya”, red lamps.

Popular dishes:

  • Tartar of salted mushrooms, sour cream, hashbrowns: 430 rubles.
  • Solyanka "Tom Yam" with crayfish necks: 380 rub.
  • Crispy crucians with roast potato mousse and salad with lightly salted cucumbers: 550 rub.
  • Crayfish: 1750 rub. / 500 g
  • Mussels: 670 rubles / 500 g
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