
Pediatric University (SPbSPMU)

Litovskaya st., 2

The Pediatric University of St. Petersburg is the oldest pediatric university in the world. From the first day of foundation to the present day, the main task of the university is the treatment and salvation of children.

The Clinical Hospital “In Memory of the Sacred Coronation of Their Imperial Majesties” began accepting sick children on May 25, 1905. On its basis, on January 7, 1925, the Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy was opened, which later became the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

For many decades, the university has been an international center for higher medical education. Over the past half century, several thousand foreign students from 70 countries and 4 continents graduated from it. Currently, the doors of the University are open for students from more than 50 countries.

Today SPbSPMU has more than 60 departments, fifty departments, more than 15 thousand modern operations and almost 100 thousand satisfied, and most importantly, healthy kids from all over Russia per year.

At the largest in Russia Children's Clinical Hospital at the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, students have the opportunity to practice and from the first courses to learn from leading specialists in the field of medicine.

The clinical hospital is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment: a multi-helical computed tomography scanner, MRI, expert-class ultrasound scanners, an x-ray surgery unit, a modern radioisotope laboratory, etc. Clinical, biochemical, bacteriological and virological laboratories make it possible to perform a full range of studies at the most advanced level.