
Sad angel

Karpovka River emb., entrance to the territory of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University
Opened in
March 4, 2021
Roman Shustrov

A sad angel sitting on a bench on the banks of the Karpovka River, next to the entrance to the territory of the First Medical University, is a monument to St. Petersburg doctors who died from COVID-19 during the 2020-2021 pandemic. The small but expressive sculpture cast in bronze is the work of the St. Petersburg artist Roman Shustrov, who died of coronavirus in May 2020.

The monument was opened on March 4, 2021. The installation of this sculpture is a continuation of the “Wall of Memory” national memorial, which was created by the program director of the Astarta Foundation Irina Maslova and journalist Galina Artemenko in memory of the doctors, nurses, and orderlies who gave their lives in the fight against the pandemic.

Another St. Petersburg angel by Roman Shustrov "lives" in the Izmailovsky Garden at 114 Fontanka Embankment. This is one of the favorite sculptures among residents and guests of the Northern capital.