
The memorial sign "Blockade polynya"

River Fontanka Emb., 21
Opened in
January 21, 2001
BA Petrov / S.P. Odnovalov
The height of the monument
1.5 meters by 1.8 meters

In the winter of the blockade, Leningrad's water supply stopped because of frosts and bombings, and the inhabitants walked to the rivers and canals for water. Queues were built at the ice-holes. The most difficult for people, who were weak from hunger, was to go up with full buckets and pans on the icy steps.  Buckets of water were taken home on a sled.

The memorial of the tragic blockade everyday life is set on a descent to the Fontanka River, at the house number 21. This slab is made of gray granite with a relief in the form of a female profile and the inscription: "Here from the ice-hole inhabitants of blockade Leningrad took water".