
Monuments to Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly

Kazan Square
Opened in
October 25, 1837
B.I. Orlovsky, architect V.P. Stasov

On October 25, 1837, in the square in front of the Kazan Cathedral, was the solemn opening of monuments to two Russian generals, heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the victory over Napoleon. The authors tried to give them a portrait resemblance.

Kutuzov is depicted in a field marshal's uniform and cloak, in his right hand there is a naked sword, in the left is a field marshal's baton, at the feet - the banners of the French army. B.I. Orlovsky introduced him in the image of a disciple and companion of the great Suvorov. The figure of Barclay de Tolly is less dynamic. In his lowered left hand is the marshal's baton.

Granite pedestals on which statues are located are made according to the project of architect V.P. Stasov. The construction of the monuments was led by the architect K.A. Tone.