
Monument to Vasily Korchmin

7th line of the VO, 36
Opened in
24 may 2003
G. Lukyanov and S. Sergeev

The idea of the monument called " Bombardier Vasily Korchmin " was born 2 years before the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg and the 265th anniversary of Vasileostrovsky district. In autumn 2001, a competition was organized for the best project of the monument symbolizing an image of a man who gave a name of Vasilyevsky Island.

By the Commission’s decision, a project of two students of Academy of Arts was chosen, a project of G. Lukyanov and Sergeev. The sculpture depicts Vasiliy, who sits on the cannon with the handset in his hand and beckons passers-by to come closer.

According to the legend, after the Peter and Paul Fortress was laid, Vasily Korchmin commanded a bombardier company on the Spit of Vasilievsky Island. Sending Korczmin a dispatch, Peter I addressed them briefly: "To Vasily, to the island."