
Monument to the experimental cat

University emb., 11 (yard of SPbGU)
13:00 – 17:30
Opened in
November 14, 2002
Sculptor A.G. Dema, architect S.L. Mikhailov
The height of the monument
The height of the figure

In the courtyard of St. Petersburg State University there is a park of modern urban sculpture, and there, a little apart, is a monument that deserves special mention. It is devoted to experimental cats, which often at the cost of life helped scientists conduct research in the field of physiology.

The sculpture by Anatoly Dema and Sergey Mikhailov was discovered on November 14, 2002. A cat from a gabrodiabase about a meter high sits on a two-meter granite pedestal, where sayings about cats by Konrad Lorenz, Bernard Shaw and other figures of science and culture are imprinted.

The idea of creating the monument belongs to the academician of the RAS Alexander Nozdrachev. On the pedestal, his words are also imprinted: “Mankind must be infinitely grateful to the cat, which presented the world with a great number of primary discoveries in physiology.”

The cat’s monument will be on a par with such monuments to animals who sacrificed themselves to science, such as the monument to Pavlov’s dog in St. Petersburg and the French frog monument. By the way, there is a monument to the experimental cat in Paris, in front of the Sorbonne University.

Attention! There is an access control regime on the territory of St. Petersburg State University, and if you are not a student, you can freely enter the yards only on Saturday from 13.00.