Monument to the immortal hero of the novels of Ilf and Petrov "12 chairs" and "Golden Calf" was installed in 2000 at the house of Jaco, which once housed the restaurant "Golden Ostap". The opening was timed to coincide with the 100th birthday of Ostap Bender .
The bronze monument portrays Ostap like Sergei Yurskiy - actor who played "the great schemer" in 1968 in the film "The Golden Calf". The character stands with his head held high, leaning on the chair of the work of the master Gambs, the purpose of his hunt in the novel "The Twelve Chairs". The monument is made so that everyone can sit on a chair and take a picture.
There is a sign that if you want luck in some adventurous enterprise, you have to rub the nose of Ostap. It is no accident that this part of the monument is polished to a shine.