
The monument of Nizami Ganjavi

Kamennoostrovsky Ave, 25-27
Opened in
9 June 2002
Gerush Babayev / Felix Romanovsky
The height of the monument
5 meters, the height of the pedestal is 1.5 meters

A monument to the classic of Persian poetry of the 12th century Nizami Ganjavi is a gift from the Republic of Azerbaijan to the anniversary of St. Petersburg.

The bronze figure of the poet is executed in the oriental style. Nizami is depicted sitting on the rock, his hair and clothes are merging with the stone. The statue is framed by a high eastern arch. On the back side of the rock, a tree and two figures of heroes of Nizami's poem «Layla and Majnun» are shown, chanting the tragic love of Arabic Romeo and Juliet.

On June 5, 2011, to the 870th anniversary of the birth of the poet, Nizami Ganjavi Square was opened here. There are art granite benches with fragments of Nizami’s poems around the monument.