
Monument to N.A. Nekrasov

Nekrasov St., 45
Opened in
14 December 1971
L. Yu. Eidlin / V. S. Vasilkovsky
7,4 meters

Monument to the Russian poet Nikolai Nekrasov rises in the garden "Prudki" at the intersection of Nekrasov and Hellenic Avenue. The decision to establish a monument was made in 1946 to the 125th anniversary from the date of birth of Nekrasov. Ten years it spent on approving the place of installation of the monument, and it was opened 15 years later, to the 150th anniversary of the poet.

It is interesting that earlier, in 1922, the bust of N.A. Nekrasov work of the sculptor V.V. Lishev was placed here. In 1946, apparently, he was not considered parade enough. The bust was moved to Liteiny Avenue, 37, in the square opposite House 36, in which the poet lived in 1855-1877, and where his apartment museum is located.