
Monument to Lomonosov near the University

University embankment, 5-7
Opened in
November 21, 1986
BA Petrov and V.D. Sveshnikov
6.9 meters
The height of the figure
3.4 meters

The idea to install a monument to MV. Lomonosov was born in 1959. Then it was planned to coincide this event with the 250th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences, and in 1974 a memorable sign appeared here. But the monument was opened only on November 21, 1986, the day of the 275th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian scientist.

The figure of Lomonosov is made in the traditional classical style, he sits with a manuscript on his knees, a pensive look is turned towards the Neva.

Every year on September 1, a solemn ceremony of dedicating freshmen to students of the St. Petersburg State University takes place on the square in front of the monument.