
Monument to I.S. Turgenev

Italianskaya street, 12
Opened in
14 August 2001
Yan Neiman And Valentin Sveshnikov / Gennady Chelbogashev
4,6 metres

The monument is located in the Old Manezh park on the Manezhnaya Square. The choice of the location of the monument is not accidental: there were performances on the works of Turgenev at the Alexandrinsky Theater, and there was the Demidov hotel on Malaya Sadovaya street, where in 1843 the writer met his beloved Polina Viardo.

I.S. Turgenev is depicted seated on a bench with a cane in his hand. The monument emphasizes the tragic duality of the writer: there is a great classic and eternal wanderer in front of us. The authors gave the sculpture a portrait resemblance to the writer. For that they studied the posthumous mask of Turgenev, which is kept in the Pushkin House.