
Monument to Domenico Trezzini

Pl. Trezzini, opposite House 21 on the University Embankment
Opened in
February 19, 2014
P.P. Ignatiev / P.A. Bogryantsev
5.5 meters

The monument was built in front of the house on Vasilievsky Island. It was built in the 1720s by the design of Domenico Trezzini himself.

The architect was invited to Russia by Peter the Great in 1703. He developed the first general plan for the future capital, he designed the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the Summer Palace of Peter the Great, the building of the Twelve Colleges, the layout of Kronstadt and the main streets of St. Petersburg.

Neither the portrait, nor the written description of the appearance of the first architect of St. Petersburg, was preserved, and the sculpture was created on the basis of the author's creative imagination. Trezini in full growth stands on a pedestal in the form of volutes. He has a luxurious open coat, there is a roll of drawings in his right hand, with his left hand he leans on the construction compasses.