Famous building

Greff - Dobbert Mansion

Bolshaya Pushkarskaya Str., 14
Famous buildings
Years of foundation
A.Y. Rheinberg

The monument of wooden architecture of the late XIX century - mansion Yu.K. Dobbert - a two-story mansion in the style of late eclecticism appeared on the Great Pushkarskaya street in 1896.

In the second quarter of the XIX century here was the house of the real secret counselor K.K. Greff. It was a one-story wooden building in classical style. Then the site was bought by the wife of the doctor of medicine Julia Karlovna Dobbert - for her, the house was rebuilt in a romantic style with elements of neo-Gothic. Architect A.Ya. Reinberg decorated the mansion with a faceted bay window and a tower with a tent roof. The tower is crowned with a still-preserved openwork forging, depicting a spider's web with a spider and a bouquet of flowers. But the weathercock with the date of construction was lost.

During the Soviet era, the mansion housed a kindergarten, later - the administration of the company "Svetoch". In the 21st century, the city bought out the mansion and handed over to the perpetual use of the Academy of Dance under Boris Eifman.

In 2014, the historic building was reconstructed. In the future, the museum of St. Petersburg ballet will be located here.

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