Famous building

Behley Mansion

Moiseenko st., 22Г
Famous buildings
Years of foundation
G.O. Girgenson, M.V. Milanov

In St. Petersburg area "Sands", in the courtyard of leather goods factory in the name of Bebel an elegant wooden building in modern style is hiding. This is the mansion of Samuel Behley, the owner of the album factory, previously located in these buildings.

The Swiss entrepreneur S. Behley created this factory in 1878. He purchased this piece of land and organized the release of elegant photo albums, sheathed in expensive leather with gold stamping. The elegance and high quality of the products soon allowed the Swiss manufacturer to become “the supplier of the court of His Imperial Majesty”.

Before the revolution, the factory’s own money went through the factory’s territory, which its employees paid in the same place, in their own shops.

The mansion of S. Behli was built between 1902 and 1913 by the design of architects Hugo Girgenson and Mikhail Milanov. Inside the building there is a small museum of the enterprise, where the original interiors with wooden decorations, a fireplace and a stained-glass window are preserved.

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