Famous building

New Holland

Admiralteyskiy canal emb., 2
Famous buildings
09:00 – 22:00

New Holland is a modern urban park. Its main goal is to become a platform for development of young talents in different fields from culture to entrepreneurship. Reconstruction of the island is planned up to 2025. Nowadays park zone with temporary pavilions and pop-up restaurants work for visitors. Exhibitions, lectures, master classes and workshops are held there.

Several buildings are already open as well: “Commandant House” where creativity school is situated, “Bottle” which hosts restaurants on the first floor, interesting shops on the second and health and beauty zone on the third; “Kuznya” with club restaurant “Kyznya House” and “Volkonsky DELI”

По Санкт-Петербургу и туристическим пригородам — пешком, на автомобиле или минивэне
увлекательных индивидуальных экскурсий