Famous building

Collegium of Foreign Affairs

© Алексей Фёдоров, Wikimedia Commons
32 Angliyskaya Naberezhnaya
Famous buildings
Years of foundation
1755, 1782-83 (reconstructed)
Giacomo Quarenghi

In the 1750s, a grand two-story building was constructed on Angliyskaya Naberezhnaya (English Quay), with its parapet and gable crowned by baroque statues, and its back entrance from Galernaya designed as a columned portal.

In the 1780s, the building was reconstructed by architect Giacomo Quarenghi to become home for the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. Quarenghi removed the baroque elements, covered the walls with stucco, and decorated the center of the façade with eight Ionic columns.

Reformed in 1802 into the Foreign Ministry, the Collegium would stay there until its move in 1832 to the General Staff on Dvortsovaya Ploschad (Palace Square), giving the building to the Imperial Army Academy.

Presently, it still accommodates governmental offices, and is still known by its historic name, Collegium of Foreign Affairs.

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