

Kronverksky pr., 49 (entrance from Sytinskaya sq.)

In 1900, a mechanical-optical and clock department was opened in the Crafts School of Tsarevich Nikolai. At that time, it was the only educational institution in the country where masters in the field of precision mechanics and optics were trained. An independent secondary technical school has grown from the department, and in 1920, when the main classes of the school were transformed into the College of Precision Mechanics and Optics, the educational institution received the right to train engineers with specialization. In 1931, the college prepared the first graduation of instrumentation engineers in Russia.

In 1933, the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics - LITMO - appeared on the city map. After World War II, the institute received the building of the 2nd House of Urban Institutions, built in the neoclassical style on the threshold of the twentieth century by the architect Peretyakovich and became the pride of the university and its main building.

Over a hundred years of activity through the efforts of several generations of professors, teachers and employees, the university has come a long way from a vocational school to a national research university.

Currently, ITMO is the leading Russian university in the field of information and photon technologies. Alma mater of winners of international programming competitions: ACM ICPC (the only seven-time champion in the world), Google Code Jam, Facebook Hacker Cup, Yandex.Algorithm, Russian Code Cup, Topcoder Open, etc.

Priority areas: IT, photonics, robotics, quantum communications, translational medicine, urban studies, Art & Science, Science Communication. Since 2013 - a participant in the Project 5-100.


Many developments of outstanding scientists and research teams of ITMO University in the 20th century determined the development directions of entire industries not only of domestic, but also of world science and technology. A special reason for the pride of students and teachers is the creation in 1956 of the LITMO-1 universal electronic computer for engineering calculations.

Currently, the university has the scientific staff and developed research and innovation infrastructure that provide research and development work in the priority areas of development of science, technology and technology in our country - “Security and counter-terrorism”, “Nanosystem industry ","Information and telecommunication systems", "Life sciences", "Promising types of weapons, military and special equipment", "Transport and space systems", "Energy efficiency, energy conservation, nuclear energy”.

Students and graduate students are also actively involved in the research activities of the university. They regularly report the results of their work at the ITMO University Scientific and Educational Conference, as well as at the Congress of Young Scientists held annually by the University.