Famous building

Gas tank on Zaozernaya street

Zaozernaya st., 3а
Famous buildings
Years of foundation
I.P. Maas

The gas tank on Zaozernaya Street is the only remaining gas tank of the St. Petersburg Gas Lighting Society. The first gas company in the capital of the Russian Empire was opened in 1835; it owned a gas plant on the site between the Obvodny Canal and today's Zaozernaya Street.

A giant cylindrical structure with a diameter of over 34 meters and a height of over 21 meters was erected in 1881 by the architect I.P. Maas.

In the Soviet and post-Soviet, warehouses and industrial workshops were located inside the gasholder, the structure was rebuilt several times, gates and doorways were punched in the building of the red-brick round tower. In 2001, KGIOP included it in the "List of newly discovered objects of historical, scientific, artistic or other cultural value".

Today the gasholder houses a multi-storey parking lot for 89 cars. The building has been restored - moreover, the lost elements of brickwork have been restored using authentic bricks from the late 19th century. Inside, new ceilings have been erected, which are based not on historical walls, but on many columns.

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