Famous building


Sadovaya st., 21 (entrance from Griboedova Canal emb., 30/32)
Famous buildings

St. Petersburg State University of Economics (SPbGEU) is the successor to the two oldest Russian economic universities - St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economics (INJECON) and St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (FINEC). Both universities were at the forefront of higher economic education in Russia.

The history of FINEC is rooted in 1902, when, on the initiative of the Minister of Finance, S.Yu. Witte, the first economic branch in Russia was opened in the recently founded Polytechnic Institute. It is this department that in thirty years will be transformed into a financial and economic institution, and then grow into a university, as we know it today.

The history of INJECON dates back to 1897. This year, the St. Petersburg entrepreneur M.V. Pobedinsky, following the development of S.Yu. Witte system of economic education opened Counting courses. In 1906, the Higher commercial courses M.V. Pobedinsky (future INJECON) became the first independent higher economic educational institution in Russia (1906)

In 1930, several economic universities were created in Leningrad, one of which was the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute (LFEI), and the other was the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute (LIEI), the future ENGECON.

In 2012, two leading economic universities of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics and St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics were incorporated in the form of a merger into a single St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The University also included a young university - St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics (SPbGUSE).

One of the symbols of SPbGEU is the Bank Bridge across the Griboedov Canal opposite the main building of the university, which is decorated with 4 griffin sculptures. It was built according to the project of engineer Wilhelm von Tretter, who developed two similar designs of chain footbridges across, at that time still Catherine’s Canal: Bankovsky and Leviny. Figures of winged lions - griffins created by the project of the sculptor P.P. Sokolov and cast at the Alexander foundry.

The symbol of the university gave its name to the Griffin Sports Club, which, in addition to ample opportunities for training, is a center for sports events held both among students and professional athletes: the annual Inter-Faculty Spartakiad, Rector's Cups in volleyball, basketball and soccer, International Greek Tournaments Roman wrestling.

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