Famous building

House of Engelhardt

Pushkin, 4 Sadovaya/3 Litseisky
Famous buildings
Years of foundation
Savva Chevakinsky

It is one of the four same-type one-story buildings with mezzanines constructed in Pushkin by architect Savva Chevakinsky in the mid-18th century.

Later, it was rebuilt by Vasily Stasov who would considerably simplify its design by removing baroque decorations from its façade, and simultaneously giving it an L shape.

The building received its name from Yegor Engelhardt, the director of the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo (1816-23), who lived in the wing inside the premises. Its entrance is decorated with the Lyceum’s peculiar emblem: a lyre surrounded by the symbols of wisdom, strength, and glory – an owl, an oak branch, and a laurel branch, respectively.

During celebrations of Alexander Pushkin’s 200-year jubilee in 1999, a memorial stone was set up near the building. Decorated with the GENIO LOCI inscription on a marble plaque, it replicates the long lost pedestal installed in 1817 by the Lyceum’s fresh graduates near the fence of the Lyceum Garden.

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