Famous building

House of Adamini

R. Moika Embankment, 1 / Field of Mars, 7
Famous buildings
Years of foundation
D. Adamini

At the corner of the Moika and the Field of Mars stands a building in the style of Russian classicism. This is the famous house of Adamini, named after the Italian architect Domenico Adamini, who designed the house and directed its construction in 1823-1827.

In the 1830s, the Russian inventor of the electromagnetic telegraph Baron Pavel Lvovich Schilling von Kanstadt lived in this house. His guests at different times were A.S. Pushkin, I.A. Krylov and V.A. Zhukovsky.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the house of Adamini became the center of attraction for many famous artists, theatrical figures and writers of the Silver Age. From 1916 to 1919 there was a cult cafe of the Silver Age "The Comedians' Halt". During three years of work it managed to survive two Russian revolutions and a war. Its regulars were Anna Akhmatova and Osip Mandelstam, Nikolai Gumilyov and Igor Severyanin, Alexander Blok also was here.

Today in the house of Adamini there is a cozy family restaurant "Gastronome", which serves Russian, European and Japanese cuisines, as well as Maker Design Loft - a concept store of St. Petersburg designers.

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