Famous building

Klokachev’s tenement

185 Fontanka
Famous buildings
Years of foundation
1903 (rebuilt)
Pavel Mulkhanov
late 19th century, typical

Located in St. Petersburg’s Kolomna historic district, Klokachev’s tenement would not stand out much among other buildings in the neighborhood. It is distinguished, however, due to its two different time residents - the young poet Alexander Pushkin and the already famous architect Karl Rossi.

Pushkin lived there in the period between his graduation from the Lyceum in 1817 and his banishment from St. Petersburg to remote southern provinces in 1820. He resided in a small room in a seven-room apartment rented by his parents. Presently, part of the building is occupied by the Pushkin Loft hotel.

The outstanding architect Karl Rossi spent at Klokachev’s his last months. Much impoverished by that time, he could only afford a small two-room apartment. He died at 72 on (6) 18 April, 1849 in a cholera epidemic.

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