
Griboedova canal emb., 54
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
09:00 – 22:00
Friday, Weekend
09:00 – 23:00
Original cuisine
Average bill
1000 rubles
8 (812) 926-00-12

Elegant place with interior in art-deco style, interesting wine card, original cuisine, vast breakfast menu and new for St. Petersburg lobby-restaurant concept.

Creators of Charlie decided that the city lacks a place to which you want to dress up a little but not to be too pretentious.

There are three halls at Charlie – open kitchen space, living room hall with panoramic windows and champagne bar with sofas and stained-glass windows.

Interesting feature in Charlie is Sunday brunch served with champagne. It is served through out the day.

On the menu:

  • Sakhalin oysters, 250 rubles / it
  • Salmon tartare with seed bread crisps, 550 rubles
  • Charlie-dog with duck sauce or coconut sauce, 320 rubles
  • Salad with duck breast, spinach and carrot, 340 rubles
  • Rice or oatmeal porridge on coconut milk, 220 rubles
  • Cottage cheese fritters with chamomile condensed milk (traditional Russian breakfast), 330 rubles
Романтический ужин на воде с изысканным меню и живой музыкой
Круизы по Неве на теплоходах-ресторанах
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