Center of movement in time KOD

Komsomola st., 2
Theme clusters
12:00 – 20:00
10:00 – 20:00
Entrance fee
Adult: 500-800 rubles., Preferential: 400-600 rubles.

KOD Time Travel Center is an interactive historical attraction, a modern playground, where the latest technologies and art objects provide an opportunity to become part of history and control the course of events. This is a real "time machine" that can move guests through the boundaries of time and space.

Here you can not only see real artifacts and take part in historical events, but also physically touch objects lost in time, go inside the paintings of Bosch or Dali, become the main character of the postmodern play “Psychosis” and much more.

The Center has a burger bar, X-Burgers, which serves dishes made of marbled beef, farm vegetables, buns from its own bakery.

Рускеала, Валаам, Кижи, Петрозаводск, Сортавала, Великий Новгород, Псков, Пушкинские Горы
Туры и круизы для всей семьи по Карелии и Северо-Западу