Caffe Centrale

Karavannaya st, 7
12:00 – 00:00
Average bill
1000 rub
+7 (812) 997-12-37

Italian cafe near the metro station "Nevsky Prospect". The restaurant's menu includes traditional Italian dishes - homemade pasta, pizza, soft gelato ice cream, salads and risotto.

A small but well-assembled wine list will delight you with several types of wine by the glass and lemonades of own production.

The Italian atmosphere of the institution is created thanks to the interior elements - bicycles hanging on the walls, Viennese chairs, brick walls - all this is so reminiscent of a cafe on the narrow streets of Rome. During warmer months, guests can sit on the cozy terrace.

Popular positions:

  • Spaghetti with tomatoes / pesto - 330 rubles
  • Tagliatelle with shrimps and zucchini - 440 rubles
  • Greek salad - 310 rubles
  • Fillet of beef in gorgonzola sauce - 590 rubles
  • San Marco red semi-dry wine - 190 rubles
  • Limoncello - 180 rubles.
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