Creative space


Grazhdanskaya st., 13-15
Creative spaces
10:00 – 23:00

Bertgold Center is a creative space located in the renovated historic industrial building of the former German Bertgold literary foundry, a factory for creating typographic fonts for hand-typing. Today, there are cafes, bars, shops, studios, exhibition and creative venues, and festivals and restaurant days are held in the courtyard of the Bertgold Center.

Visitors to the creative space can climb the two roof-terraces, which offer impressive views of the center of St. Petersburg. The first terrace is located at the back of the courtyard: to get to it, you need to go through the courtyard, past the giant umbrella covering part of the territory, and climb the outer black staircase. From 15.00 to midnight the Sunset Bitch bar works there, and in the morning and in the afternoon there are yoga classes, but the entrance to the roof is free. The second terrace belongs to the restaurant “Sunrises / Sunsets”, it goes to Grazhdanskaya Street. The entrance to the restaurant is through the Gutenberg Hotel.

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