

Griboedova Canal emb., 7
24 hours
Average bill
1200 rubles
Entrance fee
18:00 –23: 00 - free entrance, from 23:00 for men with a password - 200 rubles, without a password - 400 rubles, for girls with a password - free, without a password - 200 rubles.
+7 (952) 289-72-02

A big night music club with a bar has gained popularity thanks to the parties in the style of mashup, house, dip and indie. The institution consists of several rooms, one of which has a stage for live performances. In summer, there is an outdoor terrace in the courtyard.

In the club you can listen to music and dance, drink and eat, smoke a hookah, sing karaoke - and generally have a good evening and night, if, of course, you are 21 years old, so you should have a passport with you.

In the interior, modern design solutions are combined with retro and loft-style: brick walls, huge book racks, and the DJ console, located above the bar, is carved from an old luxurious grand piano. Cocktails here cost from 400 rubles.

Entrance is by password, which can be obtained by subscribing to a closed group in Vkontakte Since this is a private club, a dress code and face control are in effect here, but if you are sober, you look decent and you haven’t had any encounters with the local guards before, then there should be no problems ...

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