
Nevsky pr., 40
09:00 – 23:00
Average bill
1800 rub
8 (812) 312-24-57

Restaurant-coffee shop-museum, leading its history since 1906, when the confectionery store "Partnership of A.I. Abrikosov Sons" was opened in this house. Alexey Ivanovich Abrikosov was Russian entrepreneur, manufacturer, founder of one of the oldest confectionery firms in St. Petersburg.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the confectionery store of the merchant Abrikosov, whose interiors were made in the Chinese style, fashionable at that time among the Petersburg aristocracy, was especially popular in St. Petersburg. The historic interior with patterned wood ceilings and silk panels on the walls has been preserved today, and the coffee and pastry shop has been rightly considered the legend of Nevsky Prospekt for many years.

In honor of the famous Abrikosov dynasty, a small museum has been created in the restaurant where you can get acquainted with the history of this legendary institution or just have a cup of coffee surrounded by the ancient interior of the beginning of the century.

Popular positions:

  • Sterlet caviar with pancakes, onions and sour cream: 5500 rub.
  • Mushrooms in sour cream sauce, baked with cheese: 380 rub.
  • Steak New York with grilled vegetables: 1700 rub.
  • Seabass fillet with vegetables: 890 rub.
  • Quail with seasonal fruits: 860 rub.
  • Desserts: 120-260 rub.
  • Glass of wine: from 280 rub.
Романтический ужин на воде с изысканным меню и живой музыкой
Круизы по Неве на теплоходах-ресторанах
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