Peter Dimitrov
Guide-translator of the highest category, author of the figurative memorization technique

My name is Peter Dimitrov, I am a professional guide-translator of the highest category with Russian, Bulgarian, Polish and English.

I know the answers to almost all the tricky questions about the history of St. Petersburg. I react to questions, the answers to which I do not know, with violent embarrassment, which looks quite funny, so you will get pleasure anyway.

I love showing the most beautiful city on earth, proving that it is the MOST beautiful city on earth, telling funny facts, amusing stories, mystical legends, but I don't like to sprinkle names and dates.

If you want to know:

- How was the bridge rude to the FSB officers?
- Where did the words come from: loitering, gopnik and free kick?
- Why does the Bronze Horseman have hearts in his eyes?
- Which church had a morgue, and which one had a swimming pool?
- What is between the legs of a horse on Nevsky Prospect?

... and much, much more - come to my excursions around St. Petersburg!

I am also a memory trainer and I conduct mnemonic excursions for children and adults using a unique method of figurative memorization. Join and see: there are no such excursions anywhere else in the world!

Walk along the Peter and Paul Fortress and the front Petrograd side
6500 руб.
The price is for the whole group. Start and end of the tour at a convenient time
Acquaintance with the unusual sights of the island.
6500 руб.
The price is for the whole group. Start and end of the tour at a convenient place and time
Individual walk through the resplendent Northern capital
6500 руб.
The price is for the whole group. Start and end of the tour at a convenient place and time.
A walk through the places where Petersburg myths were intertwined with real events
6500 руб.
The price is for the whole group. Start and end of the tour at a convenient place and time