
Paths of blessing. To the 85th anniversary of the Roerich Pact


Museum of the Roerich family

18th line of Vasilievsky Island, 1




15 july 2020, 11:00 — 22 september 2020, 18:00


70 rub — 140 rub

Events / Exhibition

The exhibition presents works by Nicholas and Svyatoslav Roerichs from the collection of the State Museum of Oriental Art, documents, photographs, books and other items from the collection of the Museum-Institute of the Roerich family.

The artistic heritage of Nicholas and Svyatoslav Roerichs in the collection of the State Museum of Oriental Art is one of the largest collections of paintings by these artists in the world. Their works, which depict Russia, Central Asia and India, are the main part of the exhibition dedicated to the protection of cultural values in the works of the Roerich family.