Gala concert "The Legends of the Trumpeters"


The Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace

Nevsky prospect, 41



06 october 2018, 19:00 – 21:00


300 rub — 500 rub

Events /

Trumpet is an amazing tool that attracts attention and fascinates listeners from the first sound. It has a glorious history and is distinguished by the universality of its use, the pipe is capable of filling the entire universe with its magical sound.

About all advantages of this instrument, its unique timbre - clear, expressive, brilliant, about its sound - sometimes piercing and powerful, and sometimes gentle and soft, about its rich technique of performance - a concert program in the genre of the band show "The Legends of the Trumpeters".


Participants of the gala concert: Brass musicians of St. Petersburg, Italy, USA, and artists of St. Petersburg theaters