
Tulip festival




18 may 2024, 11:00 — 18:00

19 may 2024, 11:00 — 18:00

25 may 2024, 11:00 — 18:00

26 may 2024, 11:00 — 18:00


50 rub — 300 rub

Events / Festival

Yelagin Island is set to host the XII Tulip Festival in honor of Alexander Pushkin's 225th anniversary. The festival will take place on May 18 and 19 and will feature performances by artists, as well as exhibitions of hyacinths, ripples, and daffodils. The festive program will continue on May 25 and 26, when the tulips in the park will be at their peak bloom. Musicians from leading theaters in St. Petersburg will perform excerpts from operas such as "Eugene Onegin" and "Queen of Spades," as well as romantic musical works based on Pushkin's poems. The programs will start at 14:00. In preparation for the festival, specialists planted 225,000 flowers throughout the park, with the largest flower beds being named with Pushkin's epithets-neologisms, such as "wide-noisy," "coquettish," and "pleasantly-tomic."