
Museum of Zoology

Universitetskaya emb., 1
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Weekend
11:00 – 19:00
Closed: January 1, January 7, December 31.
The second Wednesday of the month is sanitary day
Entrance fee
Adults - 250 rubles., Students, cadets, students, pensioners - 150 rubles.
The day of free visit for individual visitors is the third Thursday of each month.
Preschoolers, families with many children, I and II invalids, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, residents of besieged Leningrad and employees of museums are free of charge.

The museum was founded in 1832 on the basis of zoological collections of the Natural Cabinet of the Kunstkamera. There were 2112 numbers of the anatomical collection, 89 frogs, 38 tortoises, 292 lizards, 486 snakes, 456 fish, 1500 insects, crustaceans, sea urchins and stars - more than 200, mammals – 212, birds - 892 and 625 washbasins In the collection of the Kunstkamera. All in all there were more than 7000 samples.

Today the collection of various types of animals, represented in the Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is one of the largest in the world. It has about 30 thousand exhibits.

The most interesting for visitors are the expositions of corals and mollusks in the section "Invertebrates", a unique collection of tropical birds, a collection of marsupial mammals, collections of vertebrates of Central Asia, and of course, an exposition of the "mammoth" hall, with the famous stuffed Berezovsky mammoth, skeleton of the southern elephant and mummies mammoth, the absolute age of which is estimated at about 40 000 years.

The museum hosts: a sightseeing tour, thematic excursions "Modern theory of evolution" and "Animals of different natural zones". The museum holds exhibitions, film screenings, and presentations of new exhibits.

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