
XX years after the war. Museum of the daily culture of Leningrad 1945-1965

4-th line of V.О., 19, ap. 11, V floor
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Friday, Sunday
12:00 – 18:00
Entrance fee
100 rub. without excursion, 200 rub. with an excursion, preferential - 50 rubles.

A private museum dedicated to the life of post-war Leningrad, located in a former communal apartment on Vasilyevsky Island. The museum was created in 2014 on the basis of the collection of Natalia Balandina, a Petersburg collector who for many years has been collecting items of Leningrad life.

The period from 1945 to 1965 was a special time in the life of our city. After the war and the blockade, the city and the townspeople returned to a peaceful life. The museum tells about how people lived in those years - what they wore, how they worked and studied, what they read, how they celebrated holidays and what gifts they gave. Visitors, especially young ones, will receive answers to the most unexpected questions. What did the children play seventy years ago, when there was no tablet at hand, and you had to go to the library for a book? What is a phone number with a letter code? How to start a mechanical gramophone?

The exhibition is located in two rooms. One of them is the reconstruction of a room in the Leningrad “communal flat” with a genuine post-war interior, and the second is the space where exhibitions and lectures about the history of everyday culture and everyday life of post-war Leningrad take place.

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